π-calculus, Session Types research at Imperial College
We investigate the use of choreographies in distributed scenarios where, as in the real world, mutually distrusting (and possibly dishonest) participants may be unfaithful to their expected behaviour. In our model, each participant advertises its promised behaviour as a contract. Participants may interact through multiparty sessions, created when their contracts allow to synthesise a choreography. We show that systems of honest participants (which always adhere to their contracts) enjoy progress and session fidelity.
@article{BLSZ2014, author = {Massimo Bartoletti and Julien Lange and Alceste Scalas and Roberto Zunino}, title = {{Choreographies in the Wild}}, journal = {SCP}, pages = {1--25}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = 2014 }
@article{BLSZ2014, author = {Massimo Bartoletti and Julien Lange and Alceste Scalas and Roberto Zunino}, title = {{Choreographies in the Wild}}, journal = {Science of Computer Programming}, pages = {1--25}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = "10.1016/j.scico.2014.11.015", year = 2014 }